Friday, December 12, 2008

Twenty-fourth in the Nation

At school we have introduced an additional program to our reading to help teach and improve the reading of the children. One of the components is a computer program where children enter their own site, read at their rate, earn virtual tickets, decorate their clubhouse both inside and out all while increasing reading. On the opening window of the program is a list of the top 100 all star readers, meaning the ones who have earned the most points/virtual tickets in just one week. Well, yesterday, one of my students ranked 24th in the nation and first in our state. We were very excited for her. The regional director of the program emailed our Reading Teacher to congratulate the student and our school. We are hoping that by seeing her name on the list of all stars that other students will strive to earn a spot on the list. This feat is even more amazing when you consider the antiquated computer set-up we have. Our lab is not big enough to accommodate half of most classes. And several of the computers spend the entire hour trying to load the program. So for Cassie to earn those tickets, she has had to be on the computer at home. Several of my students do not have access to computers or Internet at home. But then life is not always fair.

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