Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Honey, Did You Pay the Light Bill?

Watching the news, I heard an unbelievable story. This man has not paid an additional hookup and usage on his electric bill, not one dime more, in 16 years. Now it has been discovered that an electrician friend hooked the guy up and bypassed the meter. The man thinks his friend did this as a favor. He can't believe that he now owes $17,613.34 which must be paid in one month! He lamented that with two kids in college, money is tight. Wonder what career the kids are pursuing with an example like their dad? Wouldn't you think that if you have not paid anything extra for more use of electricity that you are doing something wrong? His local government has agreed to waive the criminal charges. Some would say, "Fry the sucker." I say, "Duh!!!!"

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