Saturday, September 29, 2007

No Dancing, Please

When I was a kid and on vacation with my family, my grandmother stumbled while stepping onto a moving belt to get on a ride at the World's Fair in New York City. The ride attendant kindly said, "No dancing, please." We all laughed, including my grandmother. So through the years, whenever anyone stumbles, we always use that line. Well, on Friday, papa was taking our granddaughter, Tootsie, to the doctor. She stumbled and quickly retorted, "No dancing, please." So, the line continues into the fifth generation.

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Strike Up the Band

Today, we sat in the sunny bleachers to watch our favorite band compete in the Districts. (Didn't realize the temps would be so high!) We endured and enjoyed watching as our band took a gold rating, meaning the band goes on to compete in the Regionals. Congratulations!

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

You're How Old

Happy birthday to my husband. Wishing you many more.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Rent's Due

He has no money. He's behind in a few loan payments. He's moving out. He's sharing rent with a co-worker. He's paying more than a normal rent payment. Will he make it? To be continued.

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Note This

At school yesterday I received a forwarded message about post-it notes. It was called the Ultimate Post-It Note Office Prank. Made me think of my daughter's work office supply shortage. Perhaps those notes come from her supply room.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Can Be More Stubborn Than You Can

My granddaughter came to visit me for lunch the other day along with grandpa. My principal had a cute little purse to give her, filled with some goodies. But the granddaughter is so stubborn, she wouldn't say thank you. We coaxed and tried many times. So, grandpa made her give it back. Didn't upset her at all. As they left the building, grandpa overheard her comment, "I'll get it later."

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Swallow This

I had an EGD test done today. I'm not sure what the initials stand for, but the test was a scope down my esophagus. I was given a pain killer similar to Demerol, along with a medicine that would make me forget. Well, the procedure only took 15 minutes. At some point during the procedure, I was fully aware that the doc was stretching my esophagus with what seemed like a two by four! If I can remember that on the "forget" medicine, I don't think I want to know just how much I did forget!! BTW, no major problem was found.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Please Help Me, They're Not Posting

If you have ever clicked on my list of blogs, you have found out that most of them are no longer writing. Sad. I so enjoyed reading the one Never Give Up, from a lady with ALS. She found my blog because of what I had written about my brother. Well, unfortunately, she passed. So, I need to clean up my list, get rid of those not posting and add a few others. But since I am so techno inhibited, I will have to wait upon my daughter to help.

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Sing One Monkey

Went out to dinner the other evening with the granddaughter in tow. She decided to sing. She requested that we give her a name of a song to which she then sang. After about 5, she told us, "It's your turn guys. Now you sing." We did, and she exclaimed, "Good job." This girl has a future in motivation.

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Saturday, September 8, 2007

I Love You

My granddaughter turned to me and said, "Mimi, I love you." "I love you, too," I replied. To which she responded, "I love you five."

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

No Waiting

I went to see my dermatologist after work yesterday. I left school a little early so that I could make the appointment. I called their office when I knew I would be about 5 minutes late. The receptionist informed me that I didn't have an appointment; wait, yes, but it is one hour later than I said it was. I decided to go on to the office, hoping they would get me in since it was their mistake. The receptionist took my card with the 2:50 time, pulled my card from the 3:50 time slot, and said she would work me in. At 4:05 I was finally called back, after all but one patient had been cleared out of the waiting room. I'm sure glad they worked me in or else I would still be sitting there!


Saturday, September 1, 2007

H - A - P - P - Y

My daughter, husband, and granddaughter were at our house last night. And since the weather is cooler, I suggested we go outside to sit on the patio. After asking each one of us if we wanted to go out to the patio, the granddaughter clapped her hands together and exclaimed, "I'm so happy!" It doesn't take much to please a small child.

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