Thursday, October 14, 2010

Torture and Pain, and I had to Pay For It

OUCH! That states the mild reaction to the pain I felt during my first physical therapy for ASTYM treatment. ASTYM stands for "a serious torture of your muscles". Really, though, the therapist used hard, plastic scrappers to scrap my hip and thigh, deep down into the muscle. She was breaking up adhesions and reinjuring the tissue. The goal is to make it heal correctly. OUCH! As she was scrapping, she offered me a wash cloth to bite on for the pain. I wanted a stick and the bottle of whiskey! She said many of her patients cannot stand the pain, and she marveled that I took it so calmly, without washcloth, stick, or whiskey. I'm sure feeling it this morning, though. Great news!! I get to return for the same torture in just two days. That is if I am able to walk.

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