Saturday, June 7, 2008

Rain and Flooding

We are under a deluge of rain with more than 6 inches in 24 hours. Needless to say, many roads are flooded and closed, even part of interstate 70. Our county has declared a state of emergency. While watching the local news, the info crawler declared the emergency and said to travel if needed. Huh? The announcer's words contradicted with do not travel unless an emergency. Ok, I need groceries, I need to see my granddaughter, I need to pick up something in town, so do I get to travel? I asked my wise husband what would happen to people traveling who did not know about the state of emergency. He said that ignorance is no excuse or everyone would plead ignorant. If I do leave the house and am stopped, do you think I can get by with it if I say that the tv said to travel if needed?

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