Saturday, December 9, 2006

Do you know who I am?

A co-worker of mine was sitting in the hospital surgical waiting room with family while her mother was undergoing heart bypass surgery. A man, dressed in blue scrubs, walked in and sat down. He proceeded to make fun of people who walked through the waiting room. He continued with his tirade, unconcerned about the stares he received from those seated around him. When he mocked the blind man, my friend could not contain herself. She stood up to him and told him he was rude and inconsiderate and needed to stop it. The man asked if she knew who he was (as if he were someone of great importance). She promptly answered, "Yes, a blue Smurf who is rude." Meanwhile, my friend's father went for security. Seems the rude man was a crazy man who had stolen the scrubs from a children's hospital nearby. Little did he know that he was messing with a lady who had years of experience dealing with children while on recess duty!


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