Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas delight

It was so much fun to open our gifts on Christmas morning. We passed them out so that one person at a time opened a gift. So each time our granddaughter opened a gift we were able to enjoy completely. At the age of two, she was not as excited about the actual gift as she was about tearing off the wrapping. At one point she tipped back too far and rolled gently onto her back. Because we laughed so much, she did it again and stayed on her back to open the present. When she opened her step-stool, she had to use it each time to open the next gift, even though she did not need it. When she opened the small motorized car that she could ride and drive, the appeal of the other gifts went by the "roadside." H bought it, and it goes a maximum of 2 mph. Do you know how fast 2mph is on the hardwood floors with furniture all about? Fortunately her rammings by the vehicle left no major damage. Sure wish it had reverse as we spent much time redirecting her. At one point she wouldn't put down a toy in her left hand so she drove one-handed. How young they learn!


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