Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Birthday Reflections

I have not been looking forward to this birthday because the big round number is, well, big. None of the other mile-stone birthdays have bothered me. I sailed right through them all. But now at 60, I feel old. Even my granddaughter said that was really old. So to change these negative feelings, I need to reflect on the positives about being 60. If I forget any, you may add them on in the comments.
  • Senior discount in most restaurants and stores
  • I'm older, I have more insurance (I love that line.)
  • Forgetfulness is expected and forgiven
  • I have my own teeth
  • My hair is my natural color (thanks, Dad) with gray highlights
  • I have all my own body parts that are essential (don't stress on this one)
  • Respect for elders
  • A head full of stories of "When I was a kid..."
  • Many years racked up at work
  • Nearing retirement when I get to choose what to do
  • Don't have to ask permission to go to the bathroom
  • Been there, done that, no thank you.
  • A seat while others stand
  • Selective deafness
  • Ability to say NO, I'm not doing that...
  • Elastic waistband pants
  • Many good friends in the same age bracket
  • Family
  • The same husband for 38 years
  • New phase in life where I can serve God in more ways

So as I have counted my blessings, I realize that reaching 60 is a big deal, and it really does mean I am old.

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Blogger E. McPan said...

60 isn't old!

9:30 PM  

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