Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Wish List

So, what do you really want for Christmas? While pondering that question, I shall ramble a bit about the gift list. Product companies are counting on their advertisements to lure customers into buying their products. I absolutely love the IPAD commercial and am tempted. Then I pause and realize it is ELECTRONIC, which would be a waste on me. I am paralyzed to explore and use the techno items. I'm always afraid I will hit a wrong button or erase something. Proof in point, look at the bleakness of my blog!! I am afraid to update it for fear of something going wrong. Another gift is the I-phone that does everything. I'm still fumbling and figuring out the one I have had for two years. Do I need internet on my phone? Do I want internet on my phone? No, I just want to have a normal, regular conversation with my friends and family. I often check my phone to see if I had silenced it or if the power had run out. Alas, a new-fangled phone will not produce more conversations. So, my Christmas wish list remains simple and inexpensive, and gifts you can grab at the last minute at the local pharmacy store. I'm still waiting on my Chia pet.

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