Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday Yields Bounty of Flannel

We did it! My husband and I stood in line, in the freezing cold, to buy flannel material for the construction of Diapers for Haiti for 2011. We found the flannel aisle first and quickly began snatching the thickest bolts off the racks. When hubby pulled our number for the cutting line, we were the second one in order. We piled two shopping carts completely full and headed to the cutting table. Several of the bolts were full and did not have to be measured which saved us time. Bolt by bolt the lady unrolled and measured, handed the piles to us to fold and put back in the carts. This process continued till every piece was accounted for and recorded. There were many customers with smiles on their faces and full carts also, but there were others who had only a few things to cut and were indeed miffed at the long wait. If I could have told them the reason for our large load, perhaps they would have understood. Several people asked us what we were going to do with the material so we were able to share our ministry. At the end of 90 minutes, we pushed our carts out of the store, having saved $1,886, and racking up 425 yards!!

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