Sunday, December 9, 2007

O, Christmas Tree, Why Do You Have This On You?

If you have been reading my blog for this month you know that I have spent nearly a week decorating Christmas trees and finally finished the large one inside my house. And if you are like me, you spent considerable time selecting just the right spot for each of the ornaments. Well, we kept our granddaughter, Toots, last night while her parents attended the company party. Toots, the one who helped decorate for five minutes then declared she was done. She spent all evening undecorating the tree, ornament by ornament. First, off came the little red wagon along with 10 questions as to why it was on the tree. Then she picked off three stuffed animals to ride in the wagon. She was so cute as she bent way over to pull the handle on the tiny wagon. Next were the ballet shoes which were her aunt's. I asked her to put those back to which she replied that H would be coming and she was going to hold them for her cause her would want them, right? I won't bore you with all the other items, but by the time her parents picked her up, there were numerous things to return to there "special" place on the tree. So at 11:15 p.m. I gathered the menagerie, proceeded to the lit tree, and placed them at any opening, knowing full well that Toots will return to re-arrange the tree soon and ask W-H-Y.

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