Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sound the Alarm

Our alarm clock is one of those fancy ones that plays radio, CD, has dual alarms, flashes colors when the power has been off, snooze, weather alert, etc. Also it displays LARGE digits so I can read it during the night without my glasses. Hubby sets it for me, just in case I should sleep-in past my usual 4:00 to 5:00 can't-sleep-I'm-too-hot-my back-is-killing-me-get-up time. I usually try to remember to hit the button to turn off the alarm so he isn't awakened at 5:45. I did remember yesterday, but the alarm has 9 silver, similar buttons on top of it that I can't read in daylight without my glasses let alone in the darkened bedroom. I try to feel for the right shape of the button, but alas, I pushed the wrong one. Music came blaring! I quickly pushed more buttons making the face turn several different colors and mine too. Finally I found the right button. Or so I thought. Sometime later I heard the music meaning the alarm was accidentally placed in the wrong mode. I hurriedly crossed the bedroom and frantically searched for the right button. No success so I unplugged the temperamental thing. An hour later while preparing for my shower, I heard this loud beeping coming from the unplugged alarm. Alarmed myself, I scurried to find the correct button to stop the noise from the powerless contraption. Success, but too late. Husband was awakened. (He doesn't get angry, but I do try to be considerate.) By the time I am in the shower, I begin laughing right out loud at the whole scenario. Even without its power source the stupid alarm doesn't give up its job. So together hubby and I decide to relieve the fancy machine of its duties and replace it with the old, simple, but reliable alarm clock. I am satisfied because now I can use the CD player in another room where I have light and bifocals. Well,...during last night's repose I hear our cat meowing loudly next to my bed. Groggy still, but awake, I hear the beeping noise again. It's 12:30 a.m.!!! I leave my bed in search of the noise and find it is the CD alarm in another room! Man, this thing doesn't give up. I search to see if it is plugged in. I search for a button to push until it stops. Then I search for batteries to kill it. Satisfied that it will not disrupt my life again I retreat to my bed. The only good news about the whole situation is that I know I have an alarm cat who can awaken us in the event of a catastrophe. Unfortunately he believes that his hunger pains qualify for this.

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