Sunday, July 20, 2008

Toots' Side of the Story

The granddaughter, Toots, came over to play on her playset Sat. evening. While here, her aunt called to chat. While chatting with Toots, H asked if Toots had gone to the 4-H Fair. It was cute to hear a 3 year-old's details of the fair. When she tried to tell what goats she had held, she tried to pronounce pygmy goat and said pig on me. Since she saw pigs at the fair, I'm wondering what she is thinking of when she says pig on me. At one point in the evening, Toots and I came in the house for her to use the bathroom. She turned to me and said, "Mimi, you are the best Mimi ever." When I asked her why, she smiled and replied, "Because you are so, so good to me." My heart was like putty. There is not greater feeling. Thank you, Lord, for our granddaughter.

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