Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Body Recycled

Anyone who knows me knows how much I encourage recycling. Not so much the save and carry to the recycle center, but the "what can I make" from this item. When I teach recycling in school, I do not have to look far to find something that I have recycled by using it for something else. Well, I just submitted a request for the ultimate in recycling. I have asked for a certificate of bequeathal to begin the process of donating my whole body to science. Why not recycle the recycler? The body that has been donated is kept for 18 - 24 months and is used in IU Medical and Dental schools some where in the state. The body is then cremated and ashes returned to the family or buried at Crown Hill Cemetery. There is no cost to the family. I have always wanted to be an organ donor. Some places permit organs to be harvested and then the body is donated. I would be so pleased if it is possible to do both.

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