Saturday, May 13, 2006

You Mean You Don't KNOW How to Do That?

Have you ever had to ask for help to do a task that is not as familiar to you as to the person you are asking? That's right. If you knew how to do it, you wouldn't be asking. And if you need to ask, you need to ask someone who knows what he or she is doing. Soooo, why is it that the person who was asked to help you says something like this? "You mean you don't KNOW how to do that? It's so EASY. I've KNOWN how to do that since..." Now I could come back at them and say that I KNOW how to do many things that he or she may never KNOW how to do in two life-times. But, I don't. I just smile outwardly. Oh, and have you ever had that person respond to you with THAT look of indignation? Me too.


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