Monday, March 6, 2006

One of Those Days

Did you ever have one of those days where it seems that no one is really listening to whatever it is you have to say? Well, I had one of those at school today. Maybe it's because it is Monday, but the children didn't seem to be awake. They sat or sprawled across their desks all morning and barely managed to keep their eyes open. I'm not sure they understood any of the math lesson. Would you believe that 9 of them did not get their homework done? Now I don't normally assign homework over the weekend, but once in a while we have to take our math home to finish. We have at least an hour in class to work on the lesson with two adults to help answer questions and guide throughout the hour. But some do not make the effort to finish. Two of the boys admitted that they just didn't want to do the homework. Several said they were too busy over the weekend to do homework. And yet another said he played football all weekend. It is a shame that parents are not involved enough to check for homework. Wonder what would happen if we spent less class time on math, and they had to take home more homework?


Blogger Heidi said...

Wonder what would happen if we spent less class time on math, and they had to take home more homework?

My educated guess is you would have those kids again next year as they would likely flunk this year.

9:49 AM  
Blogger The Mom (Leah) said...

In that case, NO MORE math homework!

7:22 PM  

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