Thursday, February 16, 2006

Journaling for Health

I have a friend who suffered a tragic loss of her husband just after (or was it before) Christmas. I won't go into the details of how, just that it was sudden. I have prayed for my friend many times as has many of her other friends. Well, one day, soon after the tragedy, I ran in to her at the card shop. I was earnestly praying that God would help me say the right words to her. We shared small talk, then I expressed my sincerest sympathy. During our conversations it came to me to tell her about journaling every day. I urged her to use the writing in a book to vent, to cry, to praise, to get everything out. The journaling book would be hers alone. No one would be reading it. I felt compelled to tell her to be sure to vent any anger and frustration by simply writing it in the book. That way she would not be eaten up by those feelings. I have not seen her since then, but have heard by way of a mutual friend that she has been journaling daily. Also heard that it has been a tremendous help to her. I thank God for bringing the idea to mind to help her in this way. I also thank Him for learning about journaling from our preacher's wife at our ladies' retreat last fall. God is good, all the time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you my friend for the suggestion of journaling my thoughts and feelings about my husbands death. I was just 5 days before Christmas, and we buried him on the 23rd because the kids and I knew that we could not lay him to rest of Christmas Eve and be able to celebrate Christmas every year after if we had. The journaling has been a good release for me eventhough my grief and pain is still pretty raw right now. I have expressed my true feelings about our life together and what his loss has done to my life and our children's lives now. I feel I have a long road ahead, but atleast now I know that I can vent to him through my journal instead of keeping all the sorrow, pain, anger, frustrations, and ache of missing him inside. I encourage anyone to keep a journal who is experiencing the loss of a loved one. It really helps.

12:29 AM  
Blogger The Mom (Leah) said...

Friend, I am so glad that journaling has been a help for you. Nothing will take the place of your loved one, but journaling can help with the healing.
Welcome to blogging. If you want to start your own blog, let me know.

6:29 AM  

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