Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Blame Game

Babysitting with my granddaughter the other night brought us great joy and laughter. She had filled her diaper, and it smelled so badly that I could detect the odor across the room. She climbed up on my lap to sit by Pepe', our cat. I asked if she had poo pooed in her diaper. Quickly she turned to look me in the face with a look of astonishment as she shook her head no. Without missing a beat, she turns and points to the cat. When I asked if he did it and now he stinks, she pointed again and said, "Kitty schtinks." I asked if kitty needed a diaper change. I thought I would crack up when she lifted his tail to look. And she is only 16 months old. They learn so young.


Blogger Heidi said...

With her dad, she has to learn quickly. Because he'll be blaming her for her entire lifetime.

2:55 PM  

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