Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Concert

Had the opportunity to go to a concert to hear two individuals and a group. The Dad, daughter and I paid "good" money to attend on a week-day night. Jadon Lavik was up first. He was allowed to sing just 5 songs, but wowed us during that time. Only problem was the artificial fog. It was very effective with the colored lights, creating an awesome mood, and causing me an asthma attack. I tried to talk myself out of it, but no go. It even made my tongue sore. I managed to make it through, and I did enjoy his music and sincerity. Next up, Barlow Girl. By this time we had moved to the back of the church to get away from the smog. Good thing. The BG group of 3 sisters from Chicago were ear-splittingly loud. With my fingers stuffed in my ears (really attractive look) I soon decided to leave the concert area and enjoy the group from afar. They were actually very good, but just couldn't give up my hearing for them. You see, I teach Health. I know that 90 minutes of 90 decibels or higher will cause permanent hearing loss. A vacuum ranks right at 90! Last on stage, Rebecca St. James, a well-known performer. I was just ready to reenter the auditorium when her first note rang out with the help of 20 stobe lights flashing at the audience. Yikes. Migraine, stay away. I closed my eyes, but could see the lights continue to flash. I turned my back to the glass separating me from the auditorium, but could still see the lights bouncing off everything in the background. Wait, now the lights are bouncing in different directions and not at me. Ready to enjoy her music, but not moving from my "safe" post, the lights bang at us again. Okay. I'm no dummy. I paid good money for this concert, but I would pay even more to be free from a migraine! I somehow find my husband and daughter and tell them I am retreating far from this sight. Find me on your way out. So, down the hall, down the ramp, through another set of glass doors, across the corridor, past the Holy Grounds coffee lounge, far, far away, I sink into the overstuffed sofa, cover up with my coat and enjoy the tunes from there. My only consolation is that half of my ticket price goes to Crisis Pregnancy Center. What a way to contribute!


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