Sunday, November 6, 2005


Have you ever started the day with so much to do that you don't even know where to start? That was my day yesterday. I felt so fragmented that my "To Do" list turned out to be more than one list. As I endured the morning tasks, I kept adding to the list of things that had to be done, only on several pieces of paper and in different locations. (I really don't know why I do it that way at times.) My day progressed with the flurry of a Saturday morning, with me slowly, but surely, checking off those jobs. An unexpected lunch out brought me the pleasure of being with friends, yet took a bite out of the time for the "To Do" list. This time with friends also brought about a change that eased one of the big jobs on the list--take the soup I that was made instead of creating the cole slaw recipe for the party Saturday night. I'll be honest, at the end of the day the list was far from being marked off. But I had made wise choices in accepting lunch out with friends, visiting my sister-in-law, and running an errand for a friend that the other jobs just weren't that important. I eased into bed with satisfaction that I had accomplished what I needed "To Do".


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