Thursday, September 29, 2005

GRANDBABY Babysitting for my granddaughter is a mixed bag. Since she is under 1 year old and is very inquisitive, she requires constant supervision and interaction. Thus, when she is here, little else is accomplished. But on the other hand, she is such a delight. So amazing that one so small and so young can hold your heart strings in her small hand. She flashes a toothless silly grin and all is right with the world. Such a magpie, like her aunt, talking already. Tonight she clearly said hello and kitty. Did I say she wasn't one yet? If she continues to mimic her aunt, soon we will be asking her to be quiet. Ha! The tiny figure, daring and adventurous, is attempting to walk. She plants her feet and lets go of the nearest object. She stands alone, 1, 2, 3, maybe as long as 4 seconds before she grabs hold again. Once in a while, she ventures one step before developing jello legs and plopping to the floor. Not discouraged, she pulls to a stand quickly to try it all over again. What a miracle life is and what joy to experience it.


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