Monday, May 23, 2011

Iphone Meets Lawn Mower

My hubby called me the other day with news. My stomach did a flip flop even before the words came out of his mouth. He ran over his iPhone with his super duper riding lawn mower, and the Otter Box did not protect it. LOL. When he first began looking, he borrowed a friend's phone to call his phone. No ring, no sound whatsoever. In fact, as he searched the lawn for the phone, he couldn't find even a piece. It wasn't until after searching much more that he began to find pieces of the expensive machine. We've had a few laughs, but only a few. Our grandson thinks we should let the Otter Box company know that its product did not protect the phone. I think we should give a plug to the mower that definitely cuts grass as well as anything else in its way.

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