Saturday, April 4, 2009

Stimulus Plan and Going Green

Are they a contradiction? A person can buy a new vehicle for $6,000 less than the list price. The price for the new one is also several thousand dollars less than a two to four-year old used car of the same make and model. I can understand this part of the stimulus plan. Buy new, keep people working. But I don't understand what will happen to all the used vehicles that are now out of reach on pricing, yet very usable. We were sucked into the plan. We bought a new Vue and received the huge savings. We had been looking at used ones, but couldn't touch the price of the new. I like my car, but it is a stripped-down model of the Vue from just 4 years ago. Our daughter owns a 2004 Vue. She really likes ours and would love to have it. That is, until she drove ours. Hers has far more standard luxury items and more room for seating behind the driver. Ours has been stripped-down and squeezed together. (Glad we kept our van.) While on the outside you can tell ours is new, inside is proof that new is not always better! What about recycling? Reusing? Reducing? Seems the plan is just creating more while discarding more.

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