Sunday, November 4, 2007


We went to lunch as a family last week and rode in fewer cars than normal. My granddaughter, Toots, was not happy with our choice of restaurant. She wanted to go to Mario's and not Hacienda. On the drive to Hacienda she voiced her discontent. Here is how it went. Mimi: You will have to walk there by yourself because we are eating at Hacendia. Toots: That's okay. I can do that. Mimi: It is in the opposite direction. We are getting farther away as we drive to the other restaurant. Toots: That's okay. I can walk. Mimi: Do you have any money? Toots: No. At this point she stopped talking about it until we arrived at Hacienda. Toots: Mimi, will give me some money so I can walk to Mario's by myself? Did I ever tell you that she is persistent???

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