Saturday, August 5, 2006

Attitude Assessment

As I crawl out from under the covers this morning, a wave passes over me, again. Is that all there is? Remember the movie Ground Hog's Day? Today feels like that. Same old thing--hobble to kitchen, make coffee, feed cat, open window for cat, devotions, blog, news, breakfast, shower, and on and on. Really I'm not complaining. I am the first to want a routine so things feel normal and in focus. It must be the heat. As I reread this blog, it hit me that things are not normal, especially with TT's cancer and decision for treatment. Are there more treatments available? Would one be better than those offered? Should he go for another opinion? Will this work? How many treatments will he need? Where are his friends? Have they called his cell phone or talked to him online? Is there more I can do as his mom? Why couldn't it be me and not him? Then I remember Psalms 46:10a "Be still, and know that I am God." That helps. And I remember I Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you." What more could I ask for? Thank you God, for helping me to remember and to calm me with Your Words.


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