Saturday, June 10, 2006

Blackboard Assignment

As promised, here is more about my "free" graduate class. I have several assignments to do in just 8 short/l o n g days. On the first day of class we were given many handouts as well as "free" textbooks. As any student would do, I quickly looked through to see just how much work was required for the course. I noticed that we would have assignments on the blackboard. Okay. I can do that. Well, by the third day, I still did not see any assignments written on the board. The prof kept saying we had to get our name and password from some office. Some students complained that they could not reach anyone at the designated number. So, we were told that if we had been a student before at this university, we could use our former name and password. I turned to the young thing sitting next to me and groaned. When I was first a student at this university, they didn't have computers, at least not for student use, and internet was not invented. We used the dinosaur called the typewriter. So, where are those blackboard assignments? It's a program on the net! And I need a user name and password to complete 6 of them. Four days left in the class, and I don't have either. Wonder if I can find my typewriter?


Blogger Heidi said...


8:43 PM  

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