Thursday, June 8, 2006

Looks Like a Cat Did It

For my "free" college class we traveled to Indy to the art museum. Had to look at various paintings as well as other art objects. Wonder if the guy who wrecked his motorcycle knows that it has been painted purple and placed in the museum? Saw one canvas that looked like something the cat painted. And how do they come up with the names? Lavender Mist has nothing close to that color in it. And why would it take some guy over two years to paint one picture? I won't even begin to tell you what they did with neon lights. I skipped that part. One exhibit was CVS prescription bags turned on their sides. Then all were placed in a circle with the bottom of the bags in the center. Each bag had a pill bottle inside or spilling out of it. I think the title was Refillable till Expiration. Gee, all this time I could have become famous by using those bags instead of trashing them. Let's just say that overall I am glad that I did not pay to get into the museum.


Blogger Heidi said...

I'm thinking of starting a piece of art with my new staple gun. Surely I can make something just as creative as those "modern art" pieces.

11:46 PM  

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