Fun at the Dentist
I should not have titled this one, especially using the word "dentist." I have a fear that many of you will not choose to read this post because of your fear of dentists or fear of going to the dentist. I promise, this won't hurt you. Yesterday, due to a cancellation, I was able to get into a dental surgeon to have a tooth checked. The tooth in question has already had a root canal, one of the seven I have. (I passed out and fell on my chin, breaking teeth when I was a teen.) Anyway, after several xrays and examination tests, the doctor wasn't sure. So we proceeded with the exploration. Fortunately, she drilled through the crown instead of taking it off. Good news/bad news. The tooth was hurting because it was cracked horizontally, and it had a fourth canal, untreated, that wasn't visible without the microscope. So for two hours the doc labored away and was able to do half of the job. She sealed the tooth temporarily and sent me on my way. As I was making my next appointment (which wasn't for 3 weeks) I suggested they call me if they had an opening. Good news, I guess. The doctor came to the desk and said she had an immediate opening. Would I want to return to the chair for two more hours and complete the job? NO! But I said yes. The doctor was able to complete the other two canals and fill the tooth. After four hours and a healthy bill, I was able to walk out without making another appointment. Maybe I will lose some weight as I give the tooth time to settle down and heal. Hopefully, I will not have to see a dentist for at least 6 months.
Labels: Adventure, Health Issues
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