Saturday, November 7, 2009

Some Pictures of Barbados

Now that I figured out how to share pictures on my blog ( some button was changed and wouldn't let me post) I will share a few a day until I get tired. NOT.
The picture on top is one of the many beach pictures I took. This one was totally awesome to look at but dangerous to swim in with its strong undertow. I had difficulty standing in ankle-deep water. Can't imagine going out deeper.
This is a field of sugar cane, their number one crop. It looks similar to our corn fields. When the cane is mature, it is stripped of all leaves and looks like a cane pole. While in Barbados at the camp, we were given a piece each to chew on. It is very sweet, but like chewing on a cornstalk. You definitely don't eat it. I'm not sure how the processing goes to extract the sweetness.

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