Thursday, January 29, 2009


I'm home from school for the second day in a row because of a foot of snow. Yep, we got one of the big snows tying for sixth place on the all-time big snow list. My granddaughter and I went out in it for about 30 minutes. Before stepping off the back porch, we used the yardstick to measure the depth of snow. One of my plants had 9 inches mounded upon it. The black metal birdcage was no longer empty--it was filled with snow! When we tried to find the steps to descend the porch, we couldn't find them. We had so much snow that where the steps are located was a huge snow drift. Lucky for us, we knew where to start digging out the steps. After trudging through the snow to check out the pond and take some beautiful pictures, we saw the swing set. Toots wanted to play on the swing and slide. So we made our way to the jungle gym. After clearing off the top landing of the slide, Toots came down into a large pile of snow. She thought that was fun until she tried to wipe the snow off her face. With gloves matted with snow she tried in vain to wipe her face clean. Didn't work so well. We had to end our time in the snow to come inside to thaw. But then we were tired from all the work of just walking through the 12 inches of white stuff.


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